All I Need

You’re the shoulder I lean on when tears blind my eyes
and the voice that brings peace during the storm.
You’re the hand that I hold when fears surround me
and the smile I look for when I can’t tell which way is up.
You’re the arms that cradle me when I’m lonely and afraid
and the fingers that gently tilt my face to You.
You’re the eyes that pierce the darkest of my nights
and the ears that hear every teardrop fall.
You’re the feet that I long to wash as I weep
and the breath that infuses my weary spirit with life.
Father, You alone are everything I need…all I want.
And I praise You!

By Jessica Yoder

Hide and Seek

I wonder if I could play hide and seek with God. If I’d hide from Him, would He try to find me?

If I really could play hide and seek with God, I think the game would last about 5 minutes. That’s about how long I could go before I’d miss God too much and give up the game. “Here I am. Find me!”

He has ravished my heart. I could not imagine life without Him.

By John Allan

Faithful One

Jesus, you never change.

My emotions may run wild.

My heart may beat faster in fear.

But never for long.

For I will teach myself to submit to your peaceful reign.

You are the foundation of my life.

You are my hope.

You are my adequacy.

You are my stay.

You are the rock, the foundation of the “skyscraper” of my life.

Never do I have to worry about earthquakes shaking it

Because I am built on you

And you are unshakable

By John Allan

My Potter

God is my potter. He is the Creator of the universe, and the Creator of me. All the good in my life is of Him. He patiently shapes me and molds me. He sees not the imperfections in the clay but the beauty, not as it is, but as it will be. He sees the pot He will make through His grace–sees what it will once He has fired it in the kiln, painted it with His majesty, and filled it with His treasure. He is the master potter. He has proved Himself completely trustworthy.

By John Allan