Thank You!

In the summer between my junior and senior years of high school, I found myself overwhelmed with the pain and struggle of my life. One day I asked God, “Why so much pain?” I’m not sure if I really expected an answer, but His answer astonished me–and still does.

Shortly after I asked this, I went to the bathroom. I remember standing in the front of the bathroom sink–lost in thought. Suddenly the wall of the bathroom disappeared. For about two seconds, I was in another time and in another place. I saw Jesus on the cross. It was so real, like I really was there. It was like I was at Calvary. I saw the blue sky in the background and in the foreground, Jesus on the cross. And that was His answer to the question, “Why so much pain?” I was touched by it. I realized that Jesus faced a lot of pain on the cross, too.

I was stunned by the vision–and am stunned still. If it spoke a whisper of hope to me then, it shouts volumes today, for now I know:

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)

I don’t merely know this. I have experienced it. The cross has become my breakthrough. As I have learned about the forgiveness that comes through the cross and how it reunites us with God and have received that forgiveness, I have experienced victory, freedom, and emotional healing. I truly have been healed by His wounds.

The words to thank the One who bought it all seems trite. But I mean it with all my heart. “Thank you, Jesus!”

By John Allan

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