Pick Some Flowers

It seemed like the lowest moment in my life. Though God had already done amazing things in me, I was wondering what hard thing he was going to ask me to do next, and sure I could not do it.  I was feeling awful, and I wondered how on earth to fix myself.  I asked God what to do, and expected some difficult, humiliating task.  He told me, “Pick some flowers.”  They were just within reach.  That was not what I was expecting.  I did.  For the next several days, every time I looked at those flowers, joy and the thought “God loves me” filled my heart.  God never did ask me to fix myself, but walked with me to freedom.

By Rose Mary

Pastor Healed of Back Pain

I saw a miracle just 20 minutes ago. A pastor’s back was “killing” him, and he asked my brother and me to pray for him. We invited God’s Presence to come and heal him. As we prayed, he felt heat in his back, and God took away the pain. He has a busy schedule today and a lot of work to do. Now he can do his Saturday work pain free!

Isn’t God good?!

By John Allan

John’s Testimony: I’m Free

I’ve recently had the privilege of working with my core values during some counseling. I’d been believing lies at a heart/core level that would have slowly dragged me into depression had I not addressed those lies and resulting actions. Now, I’m free. My counselors gave me a book on the subject, You’ve Been Tweeked, that I really enjoy and recommend. It’s a fantastic fable. Blessings in Christ!

By John

My Father

The Creator
of the universe

He doesn’t turn away.
He doesn’t close His eyes.
He doesn’t sigh.


He smiles.
He sings over me with joy.

And He reaches down,
cups me in His mighty Hands,
and holds me close to His heart.

I hear His heartbeat.
It thunders in the universe;
it echoes in my soul.

Louder than the thunder
comes the Creator’s gentle whisper,
“My child.”

By Jessica Yoder

God Is My Friend

When I was 13 years old, I was painfully lonely. I had no close friends nearby. My relationship with God was shallow, and I didn’t really know what it was to hear His voice speaking to me. As months passed, my desperation drove me to to pray in ways I never had and really seek God. That painful experience drove me to Him. He met me in such real ways. I saw how He longed to have a much deeper relationship with me. Looking back now, I am grateful for that difficult experience! As my relationship with Him grew I didn’t feel lonely, and I came to understand that He is the best friend I will ever have! I’m bragging on God because it’s true that when I seek Him with all my heart I will find Him (Jer. 29:13), and He delights in revealing Himself to me!

By Sheri

Thank You!

In the summer between my junior and senior years of high school, I found myself overwhelmed with the pain and struggle of my life. One day I asked God, “Why so much pain?” I’m not sure if I really expected an answer, but His answer astonished me–and still does.

Shortly after I asked this, I went to the bathroom. I remember standing in the front of the bathroom sink–lost in thought. Suddenly the wall of the bathroom disappeared. For about two seconds, I was in another time and in another place. I saw Jesus on the cross. It was so real, like I really was there. It was like I was at Calvary. I saw the blue sky in the background and in the foreground, Jesus on the cross. And that was His answer to the question, “Why so much pain?” I was touched by it. I realized that Jesus faced a lot of pain on the cross, too.

I was stunned by the vision–and am stunned still. If it spoke a whisper of hope to me then, it shouts volumes today, for now I know:

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)

I don’t merely know this. I have experienced it. The cross has become my breakthrough. As I have learned about the forgiveness that comes through the cross and how it reunites us with God and have received that forgiveness, I have experienced victory, freedom, and emotional healing. I truly have been healed by His wounds.

The words to thank the One who bought it all seems trite. But I mean it with all my heart. “Thank you, Jesus!”

By John Allan