John’s Testimony: I’m Free

I’ve recently had the privilege of working with my core values during some counseling. I’d been believing lies at a heart/core level that would have slowly dragged me into depression had I not addressed those lies and resulting actions. Now, I’m free. My counselors gave me a book on the subject, You’ve Been Tweeked, that I really enjoy and recommend. It’s a fantastic fable. Blessings in Christ!

By John

My Father

The Creator
of the universe

He doesn’t turn away.
He doesn’t close His eyes.
He doesn’t sigh.


He smiles.
He sings over me with joy.

And He reaches down,
cups me in His mighty Hands,
and holds me close to His heart.

I hear His heartbeat.
It thunders in the universe;
it echoes in my soul.

Louder than the thunder
comes the Creator’s gentle whisper,
“My child.”

By Jessica Yoder

God Is My Friend

When I was 13 years old, I was painfully lonely. I had no close friends nearby. My relationship with God was shallow, and I didn’t really know what it was to hear His voice speaking to me. As months passed, my desperation drove me to to pray in ways I never had and really seek God. That painful experience drove me to Him. He met me in such real ways. I saw how He longed to have a much deeper relationship with me. Looking back now, I am grateful for that difficult experience! As my relationship with Him grew I didn’t feel lonely, and I came to understand that He is the best friend I will ever have! I’m bragging on God because it’s true that when I seek Him with all my heart I will find Him (Jer. 29:13), and He delights in revealing Himself to me!

By Sheri

I Am the Flower

I am the flower.
You are the rain.
You wash me of the dusty haze.
You quench me of my thirst.
You cool me in the summer days.
I’m touching You, but You have touched me first.

I am the flower.
You are the sun.
You wrap up and keep me warm.
You light my world to see.
You rescue me of autumn storms.
I call to You, but You’ve already come.

No one is like You.

No one cleanses like You.
No one satisfies like You.
No one refreshes like You.
No one comforts like You.
No one reveals like You.
No one rescues like You.

You are God, and there is no other!

By Matthias