Desire of Nations

You, O God, are the desire of the nations. You are all we could possibly wish for, more than we could imagine. You are what we want. Glimpses of you make our hearts beat with excitement. You are amazing. You are a shield for us. Under your wings we feel safe and secure.

You are the one. You are our desire and our hope.

In our dreams at night, we think of you. When we lie in bed at night, we think of your words. When we are afraid, we pray to you. Our secret wish is to know you better and more. We dream of seeing more of you.

You are the one.

You are our desire.

By John Allan

We Love Your Sense of Humor

Your jokes are funny!

We are so glad you have time in your amazing schedule to take time to share puns and other funny little things with us–things that say, “I know you. I know more about you than anybody else ever.” Just as amazing, you actually have the time, energy, and desire to be that intimate with every person that ever lived. How big are you anyway?

And we are glad, so glad, that you aren’t too “spiritual” to laugh!

Love, Rose Mary

Testimony of Redemption

No bad memories-
only redeemed ones.
No ugly scars-
only reminders of His miracle.
No bitter roots-
only myrrh and frankincense.
No shameful regrets-
only a past that is whiter than snow
No stupid failures-
only opportunities of grace
No fear or worries-
only mountains of faith
No wasted years-
only eternal hope
No betrayal-
only perfect love
No abuse or injustice-
only the comfort and identity of the cross and healing stripes of Christ
Never a victim-
only a conqueror in Christ
Never forsaken-
only perfectly loved
Never destroyed or snuffed out-
only reshaped and rekindled
Never intimidated-
only courageous…it’s how He sees you if you are in Him

By Julia Ruth


             God with us.”

I turned the radio down, driving in silence.
I had to think about this.

How amazing this would have sounded to God’s
    chosen people, living under the burden of the law.
        Living on this side of the curtain.

God with us. 
      Not over us, like a dictator, but with us, walking among us.
   Strong, wise hands leading us along.
            The fragrance of His presence, the joy of His smile.
       The miracle of being pursued by the Creator and ultimate Lover.

A few songs later, and again—Emmanuel!

There on the dark, snowy road I stopped. And I sang.

God, the One with us—no words exist to say how awesome You are!

By Jessica Yoder