Your Smile

With a smile You hung the stars and gave each a unique name.

Like a child on the beach You ran Your fingers through the earth, creating rivers and valleys.
You poured water into Your thumbprints.

Your whisper told the flowers when to bloom—
and how to arrange their delicate petals around their praising faces.

With a grin You gave breath to chickadees, elephants, wolves and penguins…
and delighted in their wordless praise.

And it was with joy that You bestowed man with Your heartbeat and lips to exalt You.

You are amazing, Creator Father. Your wisdom and creativity take my breath away.

My dreams, my hopes, my fears and desires—I lay them in Your wise hands.
Make something beautiful out of them.

I can’t wait to see Your smile.

By Jessica Yoder

You Did It Again

Dear God,

You did it again. Do you ever get tired of being yourself and doing what you do? It seems you can’t quit!

You take words that seem insignificant and you give them supernatural power. You take crumbs and you multiply them, maybe not to feed a multitude but to satisfy the deep cravings of one man’s soul.

You make paths cross, passing Your life from one man to another, until it reaches the one You were seeking to touch. No one is sure where your work starts or stops, and no one can tell just how far or just what places it goes. That’s why you are the only one who can take credit.

You give divine wisdom in the moment of need. It’s not that you’re late. It’s just that you’re so incredibly personal and well scheduled that you can give the answer in the perfect time. It’s so good to meet You like that, God!

You are so good at what you do! Our only request is that we could give you more of our lives and more of this world, so that you could share more of Yourself.

We love you because you loved us first, and because of this, I sign:

Your son,


Close of Another Day

It’s the close of another day. It was full of Your faithfulness. The sun You made rose, and it warmed the world. Why do we take that for granted? It is a daily miracle. The friends You gave me showed me love. I ate well, and my hunger was satisfied. Your Bible helped me understand myself and who You are in Me. These are just a few ways You have blessed me. I echo the words of David, “Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”

Thank you.

By John Allan

You Are My Heart’s Desire

Your presence is amazing. I’ve tried drinking from other cisterns before I came to You, the river of life. I came up empty. Now my thirst is quenched. I felt so alone. I no longer do. How could I, since You are with me and I know you? I was sad and empty. Those are the days of the past. How could I not be filled with joy when You are glad to be with me? Depression is only a memory. My days are filled with laughter and joy.

I tried so many things to find fulfillment. I sought learning. I pursued pleasure. I tried to achieve. Learning, pleasure, and achievement are empty, as Solomon found. But there is no emptiness in You. Only fulfillment. Only joy. Only peace.

You are Shalom. You are the one who satisfied. When I felt alone, I didn’t realize I was a child missing his Father. You are the perfect Father.

Tonight, when I go to sleep, I will rest in peace with the full confidence that I am Yours and I am in Your hand. What else could I want? I will rest my head on my pillow knowing that I have found my heart’s desire. As I fade away, I will dream of You.

I have found my heart’s desire. I have found You.

By John Allan


Today I was reminded to live in the present. As I was jogging tonight, I saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky. I had to capture it with my cell phone, but I wanted my chance to brag on God!

There is no one like you.
No one in the world can take their own image
and stamp it so deeply upon their own creation.
Your creation reflects you,
like clear water reflects a face.
It points to you.
It mirrors you.
It praises you.

You made the rainbow to remind us of You,
because You are the rainbow after the rain.
Though storms crash around me,
though water drenches my soul, and
though winds tear at my sails,
You are the promise that
I will not be utterly destroyed.

When the storm has passed,
You are the rainbow,
the brilliant array of colors
that light up the sky of my life.
I look up at You and marvel,
captured in a moment of time,
because suddenly I remember
that it took the storm
for me to see
Your colors.

By Matthias Miller