You Are My Heart’s Desire

Your presence is amazing. I’ve tried drinking from other cisterns before I came to You, the river of life. I came up empty. Now my thirst is quenched. I felt so alone. I no longer do. How could I, since You are with me and I know you? I was sad and empty. Those are the days of the past. How could I not be filled with joy when You are glad to be with me? Depression is only a memory. My days are filled with laughter and joy.

I tried so many things to find fulfillment. I sought learning. I pursued pleasure. I tried to achieve. Learning, pleasure, and achievement are empty, as Solomon found. But there is no emptiness in You. Only fulfillment. Only joy. Only peace.

You are Shalom. You are the one who satisfied. When I felt alone, I didn’t realize I was a child missing his Father. You are the perfect Father.

Tonight, when I go to sleep, I will rest in peace with the full confidence that I am Yours and I am in Your hand. What else could I want? I will rest my head on my pillow knowing that I have found my heart’s desire. As I fade away, I will dream of You.

I have found my heart’s desire. I have found You.

By John Allan


Today I was reminded to live in the present. As I was jogging tonight, I saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky. I had to capture it with my cell phone, but I wanted my chance to brag on God!

There is no one like you.
No one in the world can take their own image
and stamp it so deeply upon their own creation.
Your creation reflects you,
like clear water reflects a face.
It points to you.
It mirrors you.
It praises you.

You made the rainbow to remind us of You,
because You are the rainbow after the rain.
Though storms crash around me,
though water drenches my soul, and
though winds tear at my sails,
You are the promise that
I will not be utterly destroyed.

When the storm has passed,
You are the rainbow,
the brilliant array of colors
that light up the sky of my life.
I look up at You and marvel,
captured in a moment of time,
because suddenly I remember
that it took the storm
for me to see
Your colors.

By Matthias Miller

Because of What He’s Done for Me

Preface: Yesterday I realized, “This is really what God wants me to do, and I want to do it, too, but am almost afraid to.” That was the inspiration for this song. I want to take what God has given me and give them right back up to him. We can’t out give God. He gave us the things that we enjoy doing for a reason. Take your gift—whether passion for children, relationships, or music—and use it to its fullest extent to bring glory to God. -Wendell Knepp

I said Honey I don’t know if I can do this,
I’m not sure that this is where God’s wanting me.
I don’t know if I’m the man
I don’t know what is the plan
I just know what God has done for me

He gave his son upon a tree, who gave that blood for you and me.
They tried to hold him captive, but instead he holds the key.
He opened up the way to him, he saying children come on in.
And I will be you father, if you will trust in me.

So I picked up that guitar and started singing.
I started singing than with everything I had.
And even though I am a man,
I can clearly see God’s plan,
I’m here to sing for him because of what he’s done for me.

So to each of you who finally hears this tune,
And you really wonder what God wants from you,
And even if your just a man.
And you may not yet see God’s plan.
Use whatever God has given you and give them right back up to him

By Wendell Knepp

You, the Reckless Giver

Divine love swirling about me
Human knowing transcending
Heaven’s secret
Alive in my heart

Beautiful You are
Wild is Your favor
Extreme Your adoration
Your love kisses, holds me close

I hold out my cupped hand
Ready to receive Your gift
Hands now overflowing
More than I can hold

You the reckless giver
Me the object of Your affection
Generously You love
Nothing You withhold

I am like a child on Christmas morning
Wide-eyed in wonder
These gifts, beyond my imagination
Beyond my dreams

By John Allan

He Makes All Things Beautiful

The beauty of nature used to haunt me. I looked at the beauty of the outdoors and wondered, “Why is there beauty there but not in my own life?”

That was before I really knew God. My life today is rearranged. Confusion is replaced with understanding, despair with hope, and self-hatred with a revelation of God’s love for me.

My cousin told me, “God is an author, and He is writing the story of my life. It will be a beautiful story because God is a brilliant author.” As hard as it was to believe at the time, I am seeing it becoming true. My life is becoming beautiful.

He makes all things beautiful, and all things includes us.

By John Allan

Oh Glorious Day

While He was alive, He loved me. Even knowing the pain it would bring, He loved me. When He was dying, He saved my life. Even at the culmination of His suffering He still loved me enough to save me. When He was buried, He removed my sins as far as the east is from the west. That’s impossible for me to fathom merely because to the human eye the east and west cannot be separated. So to remove them that far is to take them beyond infinity. When He rose, He justified me. All the suffering I have caused Him and yet He states that I am free of blame.

But the best part…..One day HE IS COMING! He loves me enough to come back for me. He wants me to be close enough to Him that I can bask in His presence for eternity. With nothing to distract me and pull me away from Him.  He’s not going to get tired of me following Him constantly. In fact He wants me to! That is truly going to be a glorious day!

By Ashley Stutzman